Salt City Harvest Farm Website
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD
UI/UX designer
Project Goal: Create a website to draw users to Salt City Harvest Farm and inform users about the organization.
Timeline: Our Timeline was 48 hours. In 48 hours we went from an idea to a fully functioning and available website. 8 other designers and I took on the project as a part of a weekend workshop.
UI/UX designer
Project Goal: Create a website to draw users to Salt City Harvest Farm and inform users about the organization.
Timeline: Our Timeline was 48 hours. In 48 hours we went from an idea to a fully functioning and available website. 8 other designers and I took on the project as a part of a weekend workshop.

Salt City Harvest Farm:"Salt City Harvest Farm is a project that links Northside Community members with land that can help sustain them. It started when the Letcher family of Manlius donated 36 acres of farmland along Fyler Road in Kirkville, to be used by people served at the food pantry at the Franciscan Church of the Assumption, 812 N. Salina St. The idea is that families would be able to help work the land, growing vegetables and other produce. They plant, weed, water—and then take home some of the harvests."
User archetypes:
User archetypes:
When thinking of how to solve problems, you have to understand why the problem is happening and who the problem is affecting. In order to correctly do so, we created user archetypes. These users influence our decisions and further the ways in which we solved Salt City Harvest Farm's branding problems.

This website is a GDUSA Design for Good 2022 award-winning project
This website is also a 2022 BEA Festival of Media Arts Winning Website in the Interactive Multimedia and Emerging Technologies division
Danny Kahn © 2020-2023. All rights reserved.
Check out the website for yourself!
Danny Kahn © 2020-2023. All rights reserved.